If you are stumped, three other ways to fall in love with yourself this love season is to one, accept the you that you are today. Lidey says that your weight, your hair, your personality, your laugh, your kindness, your dance moves. All of this makes up who you are right now. OWN THEM. Fall in love with every piece of what makes you, you, and learn to build on the beauty that already exists. Two, set boundaries, because sometimes it is more than okay to say NO and make time for yourself. Learn to set your own limits and clearly articulate them. This takes a tremendous amount of courage but can also be liberating and earn you some newfound respect. Three, Laugh with yourself. What I love to do when I feel down is watch comedy reels and laugh out loud with myself. When is the last time you laughed out loud by yourself? Have fun with yourself and remember to fall in love with every piece of what makes you! Kisses!